The normality
Throughout life, we have been taught to do what for society is considered "normal". But I have always wondered where this collection of rules for life came from, pretending to be a sort of "instructions for use" for our lives. And above all, I wonder why it could not be just as nice to get out of those schemes and be "different."
I believe I've always had this sense of rebellion against the anonymity of the mass, which pushed me to go against the current a bit 'in everything: in the way of dressing, the way of having fun and above all the way of thinking.
The desire to seek answers to my many doubts has become so compelling that I could not help but go out there looking for them, but as long as they were my own answers, tested on my skin.
Therefore I've learned that "normality" is a very relative concept, which binds in an essential way to the culture where we grow in. There are places, indeed, where it is normal to go to school alone from only 4-5 years old, walking along the edge of a road for hours, or driving a scooter at 6 years old to bring to school the younger siblings. There are places where it is normal to sleep on the floor, with the whole family under the same roof built by hand with bamboo canes. There are others where women are kidnapped by their boyfriend overnight, whose family, the next day, goes to the girl's family to agree on a price to pay in order to be able to marry her. Instead, there are places where it is normal for a girl to travel alone, without being looked kind of mentally unstable. It is also normal to sleep on a mattress in a car and travel for thousands of kilometres with no fixed destination. There are places where studying is a real luxury, while others in which it is normal to stay years and years at the university at the expense of their parents. There are places where normality is having to look for a permanent job in order to be able to start a family and be a good mother. There are others in which people are free to work in order to live and not vice versa, where work is seen as a mean and not as an end, and the family as an unexpected gift and not only as the culmination of a habitual relationship. There are still places where children are left free to be such and play on the street, roll in the mud and climb trees. There are others where children can use an iPad better than an adult and probably do not know what a balloon is. There are places where it is normal for parents to choose the husband or wife for their children, while there are others where people spend a lifetime looking for a soul mate and they often end up being alone or others in which one is happy with anyone as long as he/she is not alone. There are places where it is normal to do nothing all day and be happy just like that. There are others in which people struggle to try to keep busy in every way and improve continuously, yet they can not be fully happy. There are places where happiness is perceived as a survival in a dignified manner, others where one needs to feel free to be truly happy.
I could go on like this for hours, bringing back to life what my eyes have been lucky enough to observe during my long journeys. I have not yet answered all my endless questions, but I have definitely understood that not only is it possible be different, but instead that diversity is the normality of mankind. And therefore what would bring this world to be a little better would be mutual respect, without judging from the first page because there is always a story behind every person and there is always a reason behind every decision.